Excessive absences and tardies have a direct impact on academic achievement. Academic achievement is a major criterion considered in determining promotion and retentions. It is vital that you have your child to school in a timely manner each day.
Students will be required to be in attendance at least 89% of the 9 week or semester period. All Elementary students are allowed 10 absences per semester or 20 absences per school year. Students having absence totals of between 21 and 28 days will be required to attend one four-week session of summer school. 1st through 6th grade students having absence totals between 29 and 35 days will be required to attend two four-week sessions of summer school. Students not attending the required session(s) of summer school will be retained. All students, K – 6th grade, having an absence total exceeding 35 days will be retained. All retention decisions will be reviewed by the principal before they are finalized.
When it becomes necessary for students to be absent from school, the following guidelines are to be followed:
A student must be in attendance two out of three hours to be recorded present for a one-half day, either morning or afternoon.
Under the compulsory education law, it is the duty of the parent or guardian to notify the school regarding the reason for the absence of a school-age child. To report your child’s absence, please call the Elementary office at 247-6300 or Upper at 247-2257.
Oklahoma School Law Section 229. Neglect or Refusal to Compel Child to Attend School -- Exceptions.
It shall be unlawful for a parent, guardian, or other person having custody of a child who is over the age of five (5) years and under the age of eighteen (18) years, to neglect or refuse to cause or compel such child to attend and comply with the rules of some public, private or other school, unless other means of education are provided for the full term the schools of the district are in session.
Attendance problems requiring action shall include the following:
- A student has been absent without valid excuse for four (4) or more days or parts of days within a four (4) week period, or is absent without valid excuse for ten (10) or more days or parts of days within a semester. (from State Law 192)
- A student is habitually tardy (arriving after 8:15) without a valid excuse, or is habitually checked out of school before 2:45 p.m. without a valid excuse. Procedures are as follows:
- The school will attempt to notify the parent/guardian that they are in violation of the law.
- If necessary, the case will be filed with the District Attorney for prosecution. If found guilty, the parent/guardian will be responsible for fines and court costs.
Student illness, family illness or death, family hardship, doctor or dental appointments, or court appearances may be considered valid excuses. In instances in which a child has been ill several days, a doctor’s excuse or other documentation may be requested. Most physicians and dentists are happy to provide a written excuse at the time of your visit.
Parents will be notified by mail of a student’s excessive absences.
Consequences for “after 8:15 a.m.” (First Period) tardies:
For each semester, each “after 8:15 tardy” will be made up by the student’s attendance and participation in Noon Study Hall (on the same day as the tardy). After 5 such tardies, the parent will be notified by mail or email that 10 such tardies will result in notification being sent to the District Attorney.
Upper Elementary consequences for tardies to hours 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7:
one tardy (also #2 and #3) to ANY of the above “hours” results in one Recess in the Detention Room.
- 4 tardies to the same class results in FOUR days of noon detention.
- 5 or more tardies to the same class results in a referral to the principal for more severe consequences.
Students will start the 2nd semester with a “clean slate.”